Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ramadan Mubarak

Ramadan starts tomorrow/today =)
Tomorrow is my last day here. I think I'm going to end up unpacking and repacking my big suitcase all over again tomorrow night.
I'm really curious about everything. I'm really excited about having a host family, and hope that my being Muslim and fasting won't cause any issues. But from what I've heard, I'm not worried.
I can't believe it's finally here. I started my Peace Corps application back in the winter of 2007/2008. Everyone keeps asking me if I'm ready. I'm 'ready' for something new. But how can you be prepared for the pseudo-unknown? Until I get on that plane, or actually maybe not until I'm on the island, is it really going to hit me.
Last night we had a farewell bonfire sort of thing. It was really nice of everyone to come out so far and it really meant a lot to me. So to any of my friends who came out last night and who are reading this, thank you SO much =) It didn't feel like a farewell though, and I'm glad for that. I wanted it to just be a bunch of friends hanging out and that's exactly what it was. Goodbye's are kind of depressing if you ask me.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I still need to post up pictures that we took at the bonfire... ;)
