Tuesday, December 15, 2009


It seems like there isn't a lot going on, but when you start talking and writing you realize there is still so much to say. But then you get tired of hashing over things again. I feel like I have two lives. Outside this house and inside. And once I enter my door again, I want to forget about everything else. I sound like such a drama queen.

There is a lot to be done with the Diabetes Association. The constitution, action plan, membership drive, AGM, registration, project proposals, grants... the list goes on. One of my main goals with the association is to start a clinic. I almost don't want to write about it because I don't want to jinx it. There is a great need for a place for diabetics on the island to be able to go for proper care. There is no endocrinologist, no diabetic counselors, the pharmacy's normally run out of supplies etc. My vision is a 24 hour clinic with trained counselors, nutritionists, and diabetic specialists. The pharmacy would always have supplies, hopefully through partnerships with international organizations (something I am currently working on) that would be provided at a discount rate to regular patients (as motivation). But this is going to be a very long process because I have to determine the upfront costs of the infrastructure and training before I can even apply for a grant. The organization doesn't even have a proper structure yet for me to be thinking about such a large scale project, but what can I say, I'm thinking big.

On Saturday, Geoff invited us all to discuss what happened at their VAC meeting. VAC is the Volunteer Advisory Committee. Every island in the Eastern Caribbean has a representative, and they meet a couple of times a year to discuss different issues with staff members, and serve as liaison's between the volunteers and staff. It was really informative. Anne and I were the only ones that went, but we still had a really good talk about a lot of volunteer issues including living allowances, how to approach staff about issues, and just how things are run in general. I am really excited about the possibility of serving on the VAC committee next year. I believe elections will be held sometime in April. I've been questioning Geoff about the committee ever since I first heard about it. Geoff is the chairperson this year, and I wouldn't want that position but I would love to run for secretary.

There was a Christmas Hash after the VAC meeting, and I don't know if its because I haven't worked out in so long, but I was a little sore afterward. Which makes me a little worried about how I'm going to do on the hike up Mt. Liamuiga in a week. Yes, next week I will be climbing the dormant volcano on island with some of the other volunteers. There will be an entry with plenty of pictures up! After the hash, Kim and Geoff introduced us to some awesome roadside barbecue chicken which was delicious.After that we head into town for Kelsey's groups performance at island expressions.

The National Advisory Council on HIV/Aids partnered with island expressions, which is basically a group of poets and artists that perform and read their pieces every couple of weeks. They have some regulars that are REALLY good. My only complaint is that, like everything else, it starts and runs real late.

On Sunday I went to my first fashion show. Judith, one of the SOS members, has her own line called Brown Sugar. I wouldn't wear any of the stuff myself, but it was really interesting to see. Let me tell you, models have major attitude! We had given some of the models a ride over to the hotel, but I couldn't recognize them as the same girls once they were on the runway. Not a single smile. Quite a few SOS members were there for support which was nice, because otherwise SOS is making me sad. Barely anyone showed up to the general meeting last week, and less than half the people who signed up to participate came to the Christmas gift exchange. Our panel discussion was originally supposed to be over a month and a half ago, then was scheduled for Monday, then today, and now FINALLY will hopefully take place tomorrow. I really hope it goes well.

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