Sunday, December 26, 2010

Islamabad at last

I finally made it to Islamabad. I don't know if its exciting or exhausting that this is finally the place I'll be staying the longest (and its only about 3 1/2 months) in quite a while. When we were in Lahore and I was telling my uncle what all I've been up to recently, he commented on what an adventurous and exciting life I lead. He's never left the country and never lived outside of a 10 miles radius of where he is now. It's weird how someone from my own family can have such an insanely different life from my own.

I've been working on the grantwriting workshop. First it was about writing a case for support, and then about prospect research and identifying potential funders who are best suited to support your organizations work. And I'll finally get to meet the girls soon, which I can't wait for! Although I don't anticipate the bulk of my work being with the girls, most of it should be with grants and office and project management while the girls are at school. But still...

1 comment:

  1. Saira Khan! This is really cool. We're so lucky you're willing to write all this out.

    So, how do I ID potential funders who are best suited to support my organization's work?
