Wednesday, October 28, 2009

92-99 W

Today my kids went crazy. The boys got really jealous when I decided to spend lunch time reading with the girls. I literally had to lock them out of the library (which didn't stop them from banging the heck out of the doors). Needless to say, I was beyond pooped after the school day.

Then, during the Diabetes Association meeting, there were some students (our meetings are at the Nursing school) sitting together and the Azaan went off on this guy's laptop. Then him and the guys he was sitting with starting talking about the lakers. I was DYING to run over. Desi Muslims laker fans??? It was like dangling candy in front of a starving kid. But we had a potential sponsor/donor at our meeting and I couldn't exactly excuse myself so instead I had to bite my lip and sit through it. I was feeling really homesick, wishing I was sitting watching the game with Ali and Taha and Madina at his place, with some of Auntie's kabab's and some sheesha afterwards. Side note: super thanks (I don't think that's a real phrase) to Amar for finding me a site to watch the NBA games live!!! Seriously, who needs cable when you can watch EVERYTHING online? GO LAKERS! We won tonight, 92-99, btw =)

Today's SOS meeting had a presentation on "Budgeting, Savings and Debt Management”. It was interesting, and made me a little proud of myself. Even though I haven't had to pay an electricity bill yet, I've been making sure to unplug everything when it's not being used since it still drains power. I've been logging my expenses on an excel spread sheet so I know exactly where all my money is going. And I've just been careful about what I spend on. Not that I ever thought of myself as a frivolous spender, but I'm even more careful than I used to be. Not making much money will do that to you.

For some reason I agreed to go for walks at 5.30 am every morning with some of my neighbors. So I'm off to bed now.

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