Friday, May 21, 2010

“Some of us are not meant to conquer the world, we are meant to save it”

Me: Why did I decide that I want to help people instead of being happy making money living at home with the people I love?

Sameer Ahmad: Because you know that you dont want the lasting impression on this world when you leave to be represented by kids you popped out of yourself against their will, and some digits in some failing bank

hahahah I love my friends =) And THAT is why I decided to come here. Because my true friends will be there when I'm done with this phase of  trying to 'save' the world.


  1. Because what you chose to do now is giving you greater joy than the alternative. You chose YOU over anything else! In your have given yourself the biggest gift of all and we are all blessed because of it!

  2. If you can only change one persons life for the better then this whole experience would be worth it.
