Friday, September 18, 2009

Independence Day

Tomorrow, Saturday the 19th 2009, is the 26th year of Independence for the Federation of St. Christopher and Nevis.

There were patriotic programs to celebrate Independence Day at all of the schools today. I swear I almost started crying at one point because here these kids are sweating in this big barn like 'auditorium', some of them walking pretty far just to get to school, singing 'We are blessed' at the top of their lungs. After the usual morning assembly rituals, every grade got to participate with either a song, the anthem, a skit, etc. One group of girls did an adorable dance while another did a little modeling show representing all the colors of the flag.

The National Flag of St. Kitts and Nevis features green for fertile lands, yellow for year-round sunshine, black for African heritage, and red for the struggle from slavery through colonialism to Independence. The two white stars on a black diagonal bar are symbols of hope and liberty.

1 comment:

  1. Your post of the children singing their hearts out about being blessed, blessed my heart. I often forget I have much more than I deserve. Thanks for reminding me.

    Will's mom
